
Everything you want is on the other side of fear

You can’t sleep.

Your thoughts are racing, stuck on replay. Your inner critic hounds you relentlessly. And that voice is winning.

Overflowing with insecurities and self-doubt, life feels meaningless – you just want to escape.

As much as you try to push yourself forward, something’s holding you back.

You wave your white flag. You surrender. Fear wins.

Let’s face it: bumps in the road are inevitable.

Anxiety is your body’s way of telling you that you need to address something about yourself.

The good news?

If you’ll listen with compassion, heal the source of what it’s telling you, you can shift from helpless victim to empowered conqueror.

And each time you face your anxiety, you emerge victoriously on the other side.

So, what is anxiety, really?

Cue the thunder clap!

Anxiety is simply the fear of what if: what if I’m not good enough, what if I run out of money, what if I get sick, what if I fail?

This “what if” can be so scary that it becomes your reality, right here, right now.

It’s a normal, natural human emotion. Like most things in life, it exists on a spectrum.

When it begins to feel unmanageable, uncontrollable, or starts to interfere with your daily activities, it’s time to seek support.

There is hope.

Envision taking back your fear of what if and stepping into the power of what is.

Visualize going to sleep relaxed and waking up excited.

Picture yourself happy, confident, free from anxiety and worry.

Imagine feeling alive and liberated, on your own terms.

Together, we’ll explore how to manage and overcome anxiety, so you can live life to the fullest.

Tool #1: Ground yourself and calm your nervous system.

When you’re feeling anxious, your autonomic nervous system wakes up and activates your flight, fight, or freeze impulses, catalyzing a cascade of physiological symptoms throughout your body. Together, we’ll explore how to ease your anxiety through physical grounding and self-soothing exercises.

Tool #2: Reframe your thinking and challenge your anxiety-provoking thoughts.

What we tell ourselves when we’re feeling anxious is usually something scary. Anxiety warns us of potential threats, so it’s pretty masterful in provoking scary thoughts. Together, we’ll identify and name your thoughts, test their reality, and confront distortions. By creating more flexibility in your thinking, you’ll have the power to ease your worries.

Tool #3: Halt emotional flooding through mental distraction.

You’re feeling slightly short of breath – detached from the present. You’re finding it hard to think clearly and react rationally. This is emotional flooding. You’ll learn techniques to interrupt this flooding so you can feel centered and present again.

Reach out and get the support you need in rounding out your emotional toolkit.

Reclaim your life. Feel happy again. You’re so worth it.

Call or email me today to set up your free 20-minute phone consultation! (917) 460-7008 or